• All travelers are required to have passports with a remaining validity of at least 6 months beyond their travel dates.
  • It is recommended to receive Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines especially if you are planning to take tours outside of the cities of Quito (like the Amazon and coastal regions). Talk with your doctor.
  • Currency: US Dollar
  • Language: Spanish
  • The first and second UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world are in Ecuador. The famous Galápagos Islands is the first site, and the city of Quito is the second. Both were named World Heritage Sites at the inaugural conference in 1978. 
  • It’s Home to Ciudad Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World City). Ecuador is the only nation in Latin America where you can be in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere simultaneously. The Middle of the World City has a marked line where you can stand with one foot in the Southern Hemisphere and the other in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • The Galapagos Islands Have Over 9,000 Different Species
  • Darwin Formulated the Theory of Evolution in the Galapagos Islands

What to Bring


  • For the daytime in the Galapagos, you will most likely want to be in shorts and a loose comfortable t-shirt or tank top. A wide-brimmed or long-billed hat and a pair of sunglasses are essential for protecting the face, eyes, ears and neck from the bright and scorching equatorial sun. Consider bringing only one or two pairs of light pants to the Galapagos. They will be too warm usually, but you might want them for the plane and perhaps at night to enjoy the ocean nights. You might want long pants in the rain forest. Bring one pair of long socks for wearing with rubber boots in the rain forest. Also, bring a light sweater or sweatshirt so you won’t miss magnificent nightly stargazing.
  • You must pass through Quito, which is also on the Equator, but high in the mountains with a cool climate. Arriving at the airport dressed for cold weather is wise, so pack a jacket, preferably a waterproof one that can double as a raincoat in the islands.


  • Without a doubt, Teva-style sandals are the most useful footwear you can bring to the island. They can be worn during dry or wet landings on the islands, protect your feet from the hot, harsh volcanic landscape and keep them cool. You might want the protection and support of tennis shoes or sneakers, but we would recommend that you bring your older broken-in pair than a new pair that will suffer the damage of saltwater, volcanic rock, and sand. Water shoes are also recommended.

For the Water

  • A swimsuit or two is perfect for the water –the sun will dry them quickly and they are great for lounging around on the decks. If you have your own snorkeling equipment and you feel like bringing it with you, do so by all means.


  • Of course you will bring your camera! The Galapagos is one large photo opportunity after another, and you will return with many photos that can never be repeated. For this reason, we suggest that you think about how many photos you will want to take and then bring an extra memory card. Frames will quickly fill with all the rarities, wildlife and oceanscapes you can dream of. But if you run out of memory space, getting more can be expensive or difficult. For those that have quality digital cameras, bringing a wide-angle/macro lens and a 70-210mm zoom lens is advisable. The zoom lens will let you frame animals at any variety of distances and reduce the amount of camera equipment you lug with you to the islands. A polarizing filter helps to reduce the glare of the sunlight on the water and make the dolphins more visible as well as helping with sunset shots. And if you do not have an underwater camera (as most of us don’t), Kodak, Konica, and Fujifilm all make disposable ones — they work surprisingly well and let you take photos of the sea lion you befriend or the sharks that make you look twice. In case you want to bring video equipment, while adding more bulk, weight and worry, also means that you will be able to capture amazing moments and images. If you bring a tripod, make it a lightweight non-bulky one as you’ll have to hike with it.


  • We list sunscreen as its own section because it’s so important. The sun hits the equator hard and can burn you before you know it. We recommend SPF 45 waterproof sunscreen and put it on everywhere and often –don’t forget the tops of your feet! Strong sunburn can be a debilitating condition– especially for those with lighter skin.

Insect Repellent


  • A small flashlight. Some other items that you might consider bringing are binoculars (7×25 are recommended), and extra camera batteries.


  • The official currency on mainland Ecuador and the Galapagos is the US Dollar. It would be wise to already bring some Dollars in cash with you. You will want to have some cash on you to buy a t-shirt, a refreshing drink, and possibly gratuities. There is a bank in Puerto Ayora. Carry your money, credit cards and the like in a money pouch (held close to your body).


  • Always travel with all prescription medicines that you may need. Special medicines you should consider bringing along are motion sickness medication (if your sea legs don’t develop quickly), and aloe-vera gel (in case you forget our advice about sunscreen).
  • Quito is at 9,500 feet, (3,000m) and some people experience symptoms of altitude sickness which in most cases can be remedied by drinking lots of water, getting lots of rest (which can be difficult when travelling), taking aspirin, or if you experience symptoms of mild headaches, DIAMOX, a drug that increases oxygen profusion is readily available in Quito pharmacies. If you experience severe headaches or respiratory problems, consult a doctor immediately.